Tom Schelling got enNobeled for showing how game theory fits a multitude of conflict situations. The classic Prisoners’ Dilemma game is all about who in a conspiracy squeals first and most to the law. The Plame Game spinning has been ratcheting up to whirling dervish velocities: Miller rats out Libby, Rove is ratting out Libby, and several stories have Bush ratting on Rove (“Bush Whacks Rove” was the headline of one wholly unconvincing damage control piece intended to distance GWB from the sordid mess).
Given how interesting things got with last weekend’s stories, revelations, and talk show appearances, the timing of this week’s news suggests the WH spin cycle is completely off its bearings. Lots of new stuff on Wednesday and Thursday means every scribbler covering the Washington beat has ample time for story, opinion, and angling for TV time. Since the WH once again failed to quash the mid-week revelations, they are in for another tough weekend at the hands of the chattering classes. The on-line markets have Rove and Libby heading toward 90% chance of being indicted.
Prediction: Somebody in the next week will have to quit to “spend more time with the family.”
Rove Told Jury Libby May Have Been His Source In Leak Case
White House adviser Karl Rove told the grand jury in the CIA leak case that I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, may have told him that CIA operative Valerie Plame worked for the intelligence agency before her identity was revealed, a source familiar with Rove's account...
(By Jim VandeHei and Carol D. Leonnig, The Washington Post)
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